Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Backyard

When we decided on this location and purchased the land, we still had no idea what our backyard would look like.  The trees and bushes were so dense and filled with vines that we could barely see the ground below.  Once winter began we finally got our first glance of what our future yard would look like.  Since then we've had the vines and underbrush removed for an even better view.
First View of the backyard

It's hard to see, but there is a fence that runs along the back of the property

Yes, that is a dart train.  We actually chose this lot because of it's wooded view with the Dart train behind.  "Urban" is the key word here.  The train really makes you feel like in you're in the middle of metropolitan area.
The backyard after the vines and undergrowth were cleared.  Our yard runs from the orange flagged stake on the left to the orange flagged stake on the right.  Our pets cannot wait to run up and down the hill chasing squirrels.

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